Protecting Property and Saving Lives Since 1981

Permanent Protection.
Proven Performance.

Pioneering Excellence

Chemco, Inc., is a pioneer in the field of exterior and interior fire retardant treated wood. Founded in 1981 in Ferndale WA, Chemco, Inc., created, developed, and refined Thermex-FR for the pressure-treatment of cedar shakes and shingles, lumber, and plywood.

Chemco, Inc., has provided FRTW to clients and projects around the world including Australia, Europe, and for the last 25 years, SaferWood has been the exclusive FRTW in Japan.

Today, SaferWood with Thermex-FR by Chemco is the premier exterior FRTW sought by leading architects and developers, accepted by code and fire officials and AHJ’s, because of it’s proven performance, appearance, longevity, and reputation for consistent high quality.

SaferWood with Thermex-FR:
The World’s Leading FRTW

SaferWood meets all California OSFM [Cal-Fire] 12-7A and International WUI Code.

SaferWood is the world’s first, ignition resistant Exterior FRTW evaluated compliant to the International Wildland Urban Interface (IWUIC) by the International Code Council (ICC).

Permanent Protection.
Proven Performance.

Wood treated with Thermex-FR by Chemco is SaferWood: the only fire retardant treated wood (FRTW) to be evaluated IWUIC compliant. The unique formula of Thermex-FR which turns normal wood into SaferWood is proven. Our process of treating softwoods and select other species with our proprietary Thermex-FR to achieve ignition resistant FRTW is what we have done continously for over 42 years. SaferWood provides one-time, permanent protection backed by a limited lifetime warranty.


  • SaferWood is specified and recognized for WUI zone ignition-resistant FRTW construction
  • Chemco, Inc., is the only FRTW company to manufacture it’s own fire retardant, Thermex-FR, on-site and we have been doing so continuously since 2003.
  • SaferWood is evaluated by Independent Third-party Quality Testing Agencies.
  • SaferWood with Thermex-FR passed the WA State Dept. Of Ecology Biological Testing Method 80-12 per WAC 173-303; Standard Fish Toxicity Test with excellent results.
  • Natural and thermally modified wood treated by Chemco is sourced from FSC & PEFC partners across the USA Pacific Northwest and BC Canada.


  • SaferWood with Thermex-FR is the only company to pass California’s 10-year Natural Outdoor Weathering test.
  • SaferWood is the only FRTW company still allowed to supply cedar shakes & shingles to the California market as a Class A roofing product.
  • SaferWood is the only FRTW company to use a single formula for exterior and interior FRTW.
  • SaferWood is a one-time factory treatment that produces all-surface, permanent protection as required per IBC 2303.2.1
  • SaferWood is KDAT—Kiln Dried After Treatment—as required per IBC 2303.8
  • SaferWood is the only appearance-grade FRTW to offer a guaranteed mar-free (no sticker marks) on the finished side of siding and decking.
  • SaferWood is the only FRTW on the market to offer a limited lifetime warranty.